ALBUM tracks down memories from the time when analogue entered a digital era. From the awakening of MTV and video clip choreographies to today’s self-made YouTube generation. The obsessive hunt for the perfect self-portrait. How do we stage ourselves in front of a camera? What surroundings do we choose, what references do we make or not make? What does the representation, the pose, tell us? Who is watching whom? ALBUM designs a wide variety of spaces as places of (self-)representation and invites the audience to take part in different parcours through the parallel performances. The performers will be accompanied by the musicians of the sound collective raster noton.
Director / Choreography: Constanza Macras
Music / Composition: Robert Lippok (Raster Noton)
Dramaturgy: Carmen Mehnert
By/With: Emil Bordás, Luc Guiol, Hyoung-Min Kim, Nile Koetting, Johanna Lemke, Mandla Mathonsi, Ana Mondini, Felix Saalmann, Miki Shoji & Gäste
Musician: Robert Lippok
Light: Sergio de Carvalho Pessanha
Sound: Stephan Wöhrmann
Sound/Video Trainee: Nikola Frenking
Stage: Laura Gamberg, Chika Takabayashi, Veronica Wüst
Stage Manager: Welko Funke
Costume: Daphna Munz
Costume Trainee: Maren Langer
Assistant Director: Nikoletta Fischer
Direction Trainees: Sophie Ketteniß, Albrecht Schroeder
Productionmanagement: Katharina Wallisch
Productionoffice: René Dombrowski
Productionintern: Magda Zielinska
Tour Management: Ricardo Frayha/Laura Nicolas
Sales and International Relations: Rui Silveira
Administration/ CEO: Susanne Kern
Projectcoordination Doppelpass: Anne-Katrin Schmidt / Katharina Wallisch
A production CONSTANZA MACRAS | Dorkypark and HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden. Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation through the Doppelpass-program.
Past Shows:
- 18 – 19 March 2016 Hellerau; Dresden
- 25 March 2017 Verlin, Berlin
- 20 – 22 January 2021: Santiago a Mil, Chile